A Simple Way to Answer Objections


The simplest techniques can be so effective. Especially as it relates to dealing with resistance and objections. No need to “rebut” the objection with some goofy technique that is adversarial. This is so easy, anyone can do it.

While listening to calls in preparation for a training workshop with a client, I heard a call where a prospect voiced an objection, but seemed a bit shaky in his conviction regarding what he said.

The sales rep responded,

“What was that again?”

The prospect then hemmed and hawwed a bit, continued talking, and actually admitted that he probably could go with the caller’s proposal.

Brilliant.  So what happened here?

If you have a strong belief about something, chances are you’re able to explain why, with conviction.

On the other hand, if someone says something that is not completely truthful, or something they don’t believe strongly in, they will hesitate, hem and haw or exhibit other nervous behavior when questioned. The same is true if they don’t have reasons for their beliefs.

Likewise, some prospects may not be clear in their expression of objections, or they might throw out some objections as stalling techniques. To clarify the situation, ask them to repeat, or explain their statement.

For example,

“Mr. Davis, I’m not sure I fully understood what you just said. Will you please repeat that for me?”

“Or, “Pat, I heard what you said, but I’m not following the reasoning. Would you mind explaining it for me?”

“I’m not following. Could you explain?”

If their objection is truly a legitimate one, their explanation will provide you with information which will help you address it.

If, on the other hand, they are just stalling, your question will help to smoke out the real objection.

Either way, you win!

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