How to Get Your Competitors to Say You Are the Better Choice


In a previous post  I discussed what to avoid when talking about the competition. In this one I cover how to get your competition to admit YOU are the better choice.

Let me explain…

I’ve spent a lot of time on airplanes over the past 31 years doing training for clients. Still do. As a result, I’ve earned the right to be one of the guys sipping a drink in First Class that everyone else looks at and hates as they walk by, banging the carry-on that probably won’t fit, on the way to their smaller-than-their butt, harder-than-a-rock coach seat.

I fly USAirways. But sometimes I need to fly a different airline for schedule purposes.

Then I often need to stuff my 6’1 frame into a tiny regional airlines seat that resembles a chair in a kindergarten classroom.

And usually next to a someone who brought aboard a gyro–extra onions, or someone who doesn’t believe in bathing regularly, or a person larger than me whose girth invades a third of my already-too-small seat area in addition to his own.

So every time I see an ad for fractional jet ownership (kind of like a timeshare for corporate jets.), naturally I pay attention.

But when I look at the price, reality sets in, and any way I bend, spin, and rationalize it, I just can’t justify it today.

So a WALL STREET JOURNAL ad caught my eye.

If you’re shopping for a fractional jet ownership, ask these questions of other companies:

1. Are the owners and managers pilots?

2. Do the pilots stay with their own planes?

I like it!

They’re setting the criteria for shopping–according to their strengths–and then providing buyers with the questions to ask competitors. Sweet.

You can do something similar.

If your sales cycle is longer and customers must involve a search committee, find out what their decision- making criteria is:

What three points will you and the committee weigh most heavily?

What, specifically will you be looking for?

The last time you picked a vendor in this area, what were the determining factors?

So who does the committee recommend to, and what will he base his decision on?

Then, of course, play up your strengths in those areas. And provide them with questions to ask of others.

I would suggest you ask the other vendors about. . .

So, find out how the decision will be made, who will make it, and then provide questions they should ask the others they are looking …questions that should help position you as the better choice.

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