Join Us in The Smart Calling Community of Sales Pros

Resources I Recommend

Our new Smart Calling Community has been active here on Facebook for about a month as a closed, private group. I know that we likely missed people when the initial wave of invites went out.

So, if you follow my material, or if you are just finding us and feel you would get and add value by being in the group, AND are serious about improving your sales skills, results, and income, AND would be an active participant, we’d like you to join us.

I visit and interact every day, and regularly add training tips, audios, and videos.

I pose questions on sales situations, inviting members to share their best practices and successes.

Members ask questions that I, and other members weigh in on.

We post call recordings.

We also have some fun, and I share personal things that I don’t post elsewhere.

If you’re interested in joining us (there’s no charge–I only ask that you would participate and not just have us on your Groups list) we have changed the process for joining. Instead of leaving comments below, here’s what to do…

1. Go to click on the Join Group button.

2. Answer the brief questions there. (NOTE: If all three questions are not answered, my staff deletes the request and I will not see it.)

To whet your appetite and give you a feel for the value you will get inside, just look at what has been covered in the past week alone! (Once you’re in, the links will take you to the posts

1. Go to click on the Join Group button.

2. Answer the brief questions there. (NOTE: If all three questions are not answered, my staff deletes the request and I will not see it.)

Hope to see you inside!

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