How to Revive Cold Leads
Last month I was interviewed for an article on how to revive leads that have gone cold. In case you didn’t see that article online, I shared some useful info that might apply to you, so here are the suggestions I gave in response to the author’s questions....ANOTHER Cold Call Voice Message; What About THIS One?
Thanks to everyone who commented on the voice mail recording from last week. As expected, you, my astute audience of sales pros had no problem picking out the flaws that doom such messages to rapid voice mail deletion. I replied to the comments there at the blog (you...A COLD Call Voice Mail; Your Thoughts?
Some people think I make up the horrible call recordings I share with you. Nope. In fact, as you read this, thousands–if not hundreds of thousands of calls are being placed, and messages are being left that have zero, zilch, nada chance of success. Just ask...