Here’s Exactly How to Create Your Compelling Value Proposition
Probably the single most important factor that determines your success or failure on your calls is your Possible Value Proposition. Some call it simply your “value prop,” others your “elevator pitch.” Developing this is critical, because you plug it into your voice...Shocking Secrets the Sales Superstars Don’t Want You to Know
This post could be the most amazing one I’ve ever put out. I had the unique opportunity to interview the best of the best in sales to find out what they do that makes them rich. I searched out and found the top ten sales reps from a variety of companies...My Humbling, Disappointing, Embarrassing Sales Lesson. With Barbecue.
I experienced a disappointing, expensive, and humbling sales lesson a couple of months ago. (Yeah, it’s taken me this long to really go public with it.) Many of you know I have competed in barbecue cooking competitions over the past 20 years or so. Without...