Listen for the “Problem-Trigger” Words

Quiz time. Here’s a situation. Think of the very next thing to leave your mouth in response: On a call with a prospect, someone who has contacted you after visiting your website says, "Our issue is that we need to_____." And then let’s assume she...

How Many Questions Should You Ask at a Time?

At a social function I was talking to a guy who asked five questions in a row, didn’t listen to any of the answers, and only used his questions as a springboard to talk about himself. Since I didn’t take much interest in what he was pitching (he shoved his...

Sell More With Silence

I begin all of my sales training sessions by pointing out that the worst way to try to sell something is by TRYING TO SELL SOMETHING. If you make it about you, that creates resistance since the prospect feels they are being sold, which is a sure path to resistance....