Picking Just the Low-Hanging Fruit is Lazy Selling

Some sales reps make a career out of just going after the low-hanging fruit, not really uncovering, cultivating, developing and growing opportunities. Sure, they might get by, but they don’t come anywhere close to realizing their sales potential. What do you do?...

How to Handle an Immediate Cold Call Brush Off

At a company’s sales kickoff training seminar I was asked what to do when cold calling a prospect and they immediately brush you off. He wasn’t asking about the prospect who is simply uncooperative. That one stays on the phone, maybe is wishy-washy,but...

Ask Buyers How They Want to Be Sold To

While waiting out a flight delay at an airport bar, I struck up a conversation with a fellow stranded road warrior. The topic shifted to our work, and he asked me what I do. I answered by asking him, “Do you ever get any sales calls at your office? (He’s a...

Begin 2012 By Getting the Easy Sales

Did you go through an annual review recently? They can be very profitable. Oh, I’m talking about YOU doing an annual review  of your customer and prospect database, and then doing reviews with your customers and prospects. That’s right. The first...

A Horrible Prospecting Email–This is Selling?

For those salespeople and managers out there who whine about how hard it is to actually talk to people, and that they are contacting so many more people by email because its more effective, here’s something to chew on. Here’s an example of what likely is...