So, Why a Blog?

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So, why a blog?

Good question. I resisted, dismissed, and pooh-poohed them forever, saying they were just boring personal diaries of vain, non-writers who had nothing of value to say but wanted to be published. Further, there was no good business reason to have one.

And, much of that is true, for the most part. For gosh sakes there are reports of over 115 MILLION blogs online. Who is reading this stuff? Not many people I’m sure.

However, I was surfing Josiane Feigon’s site (she is the newest columnist for our Telephone Prospecting and Selling Report newsletter) and found her Life in the TeleBusiness Trenches Blog and became fascinated with it. I liked her personal writing style, I liked the format, I liked the fact that it was about business, but not stuffy. It was the inspiration for this. (Thanks, Josiane!)

Like I always do when I explore something new, I went into major information-accumulation mode, buying every blog book I could find at Amazon (several hundred dollars worth), searched online for the “gurus” on blogging, and studied hundreds of blogs. I determined that I could and would do a telesales blog that would provide great information, entertainment, personal info, and also be profitable. Yes, the P word. I make no apologies, most things I get involved in are to create revenue. But I also know that money flows to value, so this must deliver, and it will.

This blog will post my weekly email sales tip, and more. I will add posts on a regular basis, perhaps 2-3 times or more per week. Successful blogs require traffic, which means new content and reasons to visit, often. What you’ll also get will be briefer tips, more personal observations, maybe controversial and edgy opinions, maybe some off-color stuff, rants, and fun things like photos, audios, actual phone calls, and videos.

Here’s what I’d like from you:

Comments. The cool things about blogs is that they are interactive. You can comment on every post made here, and I will personally review them, and respond. Not sure what I’m getting into here, but this is my plan to start.

Referrals. Please let others know. You can email directly from any of the posts, or just simply email someone, or call them. Or mention this cool blog when you’re at a bar with your buds.

Subscribe. If you are not yet on my email newsletter list, sign up to the top left. I will also be notifying subscribers of new posts. On the right hand side of the blog you see the orange “Subscribe” button. There’s this techy thing called an RSS feed that actually delivers all of my new posts right to your computer if you sign up for this.

As you might notice, I’ve already added a number of posts here going back to July. Just wanted to be sure this thing was ready to roll before announcing it to the world. So, check out the past posts, please do comment, and tell your friends and colleagues about us!

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Dan Long August 29, 2008 at 8:15 am

Hi Art, great idea (the blog)!

I am always striving to find new methods to expand my reach (into my particular market space) & I plan to attempt a blog in the near future.

Lately, I have been tinkering with (you may notice the website I provided).

Also, love the tips!

Best Regards,

Dan Long
IBM System i – Application Specialist
DRV Technologies, Inc.
phone: 866.378.3366 OR 678.417.1521
fax: 678.417.1501


Art Sobczak August 29, 2008 at 8:31 am

Dan, thanks for the comment. I have a Linkedin account, simply because so many readers and customers sent me invitations. I’m a bit lax in responding to them, and still trying to figure out the value in it. I’m open to hearing how anyone feels they get a return from it.



Bob Willis August 29, 2008 at 11:36 am

Art, I have enjoyed your input for years and successfully used many ideas. One thing I caught in here is the “actual recordings”. As you know, most will not or do not record themselves and having head up telesales departments in the past myself, cringe when you hear someone going down the “DOH!” road. I will look forward to hearing some of these because they will most likely be more hilarious than anything you could make up.


Art Sobczak August 29, 2008 at 11:55 am

Bob, you’re right. It is the single most useful activity anyone could engage in to get better. You will love what I have coming next week: the single worst sales call I have ever received. I play it in training seminars and people roll in the aisles laughing!


Jim Taylor September 1, 2008 at 3:50 am

Hrest idea Art. I’ve taken you newlewtter for years and always like it because it simple and to the point w/o a lot of fluff. Looking forward to the blog, especially the recordings. The one about the guy trying to pick up the girl was classic.




Jim Taylor September 1, 2008 at 3:51 am

That’s supposed to be Great, not Hrest.


Yahli E September 3, 2008 at 11:22 pm

Hi Art, Loved the “Worst Sales Call” recording. I’ve been receiving your newsletters for years. Ive learned so much from you. I’m sure your blog will be just as helpful, looking forward to reading it. All the best, Yahli E


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