Your Prospect Doesn’t Work There Anymore. Now What?

Account Management

So you’ve been beaten up pretty badly for the day.

Your prospecting yielded zilch, and you’re gazing up at a quota number that seemingly appears helium-filled, floating a bit more out of your grasp every day.

Scrolling through your account list, looking for a member of the 20% club of your account base that represents 80% of your business, you’re searching for a slam dunk that will book you some quick numbers so you can bob at least up to quota sea level.

“Ah-ha, here’s one! My bud Kyle over at Quality Industries. He’s always good for an order. Looks like it’s time.”

So you call Kyle’s direct number.

And you get a recorded message saying that is not a valid number at Quality Industries.

You hit “0.”

“Quality Industries, may I help you?”

“Yes,” you respond confidently. “I’d like to speak with Kyle Johnson.”

“I’m sorry, but Mr. Johnson is no longer with our company.”

Your heart sinks faster than a dropping rollercoaster.

You’re searching for an intelligent response. “Uhhhh,” is the first sound you can muster. “What happened to him?”

“He’s just no longer with the company.” (Code words for being canned). Wonderful, here’s a guy you had a great relationship with, who always had time to shoot the bull (maybe that’s why he’s no longer there), and regularly could be counted on for an order. He loved your products.

Now, gone.

Oh well, better find out who the new guy is. So you get the name of Jennifer Stevens. You hang up, and regroup.

Ever been in that situation? Most of us have. Here’s what you don’t want to do.

“Hi ‘ya, Jennifer? Hey, I’m Dale Wilson with Complete Supply. I hear you took ol’ Kyle Johnson’s place. Well, Kyle used to buy all his fittings and bearings from me, and I know it’s getting about time for you guys to reorder and I’m sure you’ll want to do the same thing, so I’d like to talk with you a bit about the way he did things and get you going on your next order here.”

That would only be funny if I hadn’t heard it before.

Many times, actually.

Let’s look at some better alternatives for working with new buyers.

1. Fact vs. Fiction About New Buyers

Fiction: New buyers come into an organization and simply pick up where the old buyers left off, maintaining the status quo.

Fact: Sure, until new buyers get settled in–which could be just a few days–they might not change things. But, the reality is that often buyers have their own relationships with other vendors—maybe even stronger than the one you had with the person he/she replaced. Coming across cocky is a lock to get you crossed off the list.


Approach the Account Like a New Prospect. You might have the business–now. But to KEEP the business you need to build a new relationship with this buyer. Start with that attitude and plan accordingly.

Send a Welcome Note or Card. When you learn the new person’s name, hand-write a card—not an email– congratulating them on their position. DO NOT sell in the card. Mention you had worked with their predecessor, and now look forward to speaking with them. Sign it with your name, and your company’s name. They won’t get much mail personally addressed to them during their first few weeks on the job, so your gesture will be memorable.

2. Fact vs. Fiction About Why They’ll Buy

Fiction: They’ll buy for the same reasons as their predecessor.

Fact: Nothing could be further from the truth. Your previous customers might have bought from you because he/she liked you, or it was easier for him/her to give you the order as opposed to actually shopping the competition. New buyers, particularly young ones, are eager to make a difference. Perhaps their new position requires them to keep a keen eye on expenses. If you grew too comfortable with this account, living off the regular orders without regularly profiling the account for changes and evolving needs, you could, inadvertently, make the new buyer look stellar in his boss’ eyes; he might point out how much the company had been overpaying in the past–by buying from YOU!

Solution: Learn about the new buyer. Of course study their LinkedIn profile thoroughly. Check out any social media they might engage in. You also might have allies in the department. Snoop around. Learn where the person came from, personal interests, what they’ve been doing in their first few days there. And continue that detective process in your conversations with the new buyer.

3. Fact vs. Fiction About Your First Contact

Fiction: You need to come on strong in the first call, establish the fact you had a strong relationship with the past buyer, that you’ve been selling to the company for years, and expect to continue to do so.

Fact: The newbie has enough people in her new organization telling her what to do; she sure doesn’t need to take it from the one group she has power over: vendors. Part of her job is evaluating existing relationships, so she’ll initially appreciate speaking with you. Seize the initiative. Just make sure you come on in a helping way, not an expectant one.

Solution: Add value from the beginning of the first contact. Here’s where you need to make the best impression.

“Hi Jennifer, I’m Dale Wilson with Complete Supply. First, congratulations again on your new position with Quality Industries. (pause, chit chat) I’ve had the opportunity over the past several years to provide Quality with bearings and fittings that the engineering department says works superbly in your line of wheels and components. I know your plate is quite full there in your new position, and when you have some time, I’d like to discuss how you like to deal with vendors, your preferences, and anything that I can do to make your transition run smoothly and easy.”

Notice this approach is focused entirely on the new buyer, not on the caller. Granted, notice the caller is coming in with some status, that of a long-time vendor. But he’s not flaunting it and ramming it down the new buyer’s throat as that’s the way things have and will be done.

Bonus Point About Your Previous Buyer: Do find out where your old buyer went. If he’s taken a buying position at a different company and they’re not yet your customer, this should be a simple way to pick up a new account.

Buyers do change regularly. Be prepared for it and you’ll be certain to keep, and hopefully grow your business.

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