The Ultimate Sales Tip

Questioning, Unique Value Proposition

The longer I’m in sales, the simpler it seems. 

I’m talking about the things we need to do in order to be successful. There are a number of fundamentals, that when followed, will help us help more people buy.

Today, my friend and colleague Jim Meisenheimer shares one of these fundamentals, that when taken to heart and followed every single call, will ensure your success.


The Ultimate Sales Tip
By Jim Meisenheimer

I was sitting in the gate area waiting to board a flight to Chicago, reading a chapter from "127 More Secrets Of Direct Mail."

Then it happened.

I got to number 123.

It grabbed me by the lapels of my sports jacket.

It really throttled me.

It caught me by surprise.

It wasn’t an entirely new concept for me.

It was the words. It was the language. It was exceptional because of its brevity.

Simply brilliant!

These words will surely linger for a long time, like a burning ember. Look, if you’re an entrepreneur or a professional sales person you might want to type these words on a 3 x 5 card and get it laminated. You do not want to forget this sales tip or these powerful words.

The plane’s pulling back from the gate and we’re now headed to Chicago, and I’m writing this
feverishly, so I can capture the essence and the power of what I just read.

It’s so simple–why didn’t I think of stringing these three words together?

Here’s the secret # 123:

"Don’t sell. SOLVE!"

Let me repeat this for you, "Don’t sell. SOLVE.

So you might be wondering what’s involved in the SOLVING PROCESS?

Don’t talk and tell, ask questions and listen. It’s that simple.

Based on my observations most salespeople do not ask quality sales questions. It’s been said, you can tell the quality of your sales questions by the quality of the responses you get.

If you’re serious about asking better sales questions
and learning more about the process of professional selling
you should take a look at my new:

Sales Trailblazer V.I.P. Selling Club

Serious stuff for salespeople who are serious about selling!

Check it out here:

or cut and paste this into your browser window:

This is the ultimate sales tip and you don’t ever want to forget it.

"Don’t sell.SOLVE."


Well said Jim! And I do encourage you to check out his VIP Selling Club, a great resource.

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