Being Grateful Turns into Great FULL-Ness

Self Motivation

Since it’s Thanksgiving week in the US, we’ll wander a bit from the typical sales tip, yet it will still contribute greatly to your success, and happiness, as well as that of others.
I shared this tip a few years ago, and wanted to do so again. In the theme of Thanksgiving, let’s talk about gratitude.

Zig Ziglar said,

“You’ve never met an ungrateful person who was happy, nor have you ever met a grateful person who was unhappy.”

As you partake in your Thanksgiving feast this week, don’t let that be the one isolated time of the year where you think about what you are grateful for. Make it a habit.

In her powerful book, “8 to Great-The Powerful Process for Positive Change,” my friend MK Mueller suggests you do your “Gratitude Homework” every day, actually making the time to write out the three things you are grateful for from the past 24 hours.  No repeating things either. It’s amazing how great this makes you feel! It’s a pretty simple concept: do you feel better when you are dwelling on what you don’t have or your perception of the hand that has been dealt you, or what you are thankful for?

MK, an internationally-known speaker and trainer on attitude says,

“Ever notice how people with lots of love, support, health, and wealth in their lives seem to be really grateful? Which do you think came first, the success or the gratitude?”

(The book has an entire chapter on Gratitude, and it is one of her eight Keys. Get the book, it could change your life, like it has for so many of the students she works with:

Too many people, particularly in sales, focus on what they perceive is going wrong around them, as opposed to what is right, or what they can control.

It’s true in many aspects of life. Including sports. Mark Mangino, is a former head football coach at the University of Kansas. During a rocky 2009 season, he had been the target of lots of negativity and internal allegations. (He ultimately was fired at the end of the season.) During a tough stretch of time where he was taking a media-beating toward the end of the season, he was asked if he had a bad week. He replied,

“Let me tell you something that’s really important that’s on my mind. I have a player, D.J. Marshall, who’s in Tulsa, Okla., in a cancer center. He just started his chemotherapy this week. That’s called a bad week. I’ve had a great week.”

That’s putting things in perspective.
(Update: D.J. Marshall was cancer-free within a year, but elected to not continue football.)

A couple years ago I had the very fortunate opportunity to play in a golf fund raiser and meet a number of Hall of Fame baseball players. We were all there to raise money for the Miracle League of Arizona, which was building, and since completed,  a baseball field for special needs kids. At the reception the night before the golf event we watched a video of these kids and a field that already had been built. On the video one of the volunteer coaches said,

“Every parent who ever complained about their able-bodied kid not getting enough playing time, or who ever yelled at a referee should come see these kids play. It puts things in perspective.”

He paused and choked up as he said those words. As did those of us watching the video. I’m embarrassed to admit I was that dad a few times in my kids’ sports careers.  And that also made me appreciate even more spending time with my healthy, now-grown kids.

Among so many other things I am thankful in my life, I’m grateful that I have the ability and forum to help so many people in their careers and lives. Thank YOU for being a reader, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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