Script It, But Not Like Marco Rubio

Script It, But Not Like Marco Rubio

I enjoy election season. Both for the entertainment value, and the sales lessons. An interesting topic has bubbled to the top of media coverage over the past few days before the New Hampshire primaries. In last Saturday’ s Republican debate, Marco Rubio, normally...

Just Introducing Yourself is NOT Adding Value

Have you ever attended a business networking mixer? You know, the happy hour events where people walk around introducing themselves, hoping to make contacts that will result in referrals or business. Oh I know they are useful for salespeople in certain types of...

How to Avoid a Michael Bay Meltdown

Did you see the meltdown on stage the other day by famous “Transformer” director Michael Bay? If not, you can view it here. For those unfamiliar, Bay was hired as a celebrity spokesperson by Samsung to present their new curved HDTV at the huge Consumer Electronics...

Mistakes, Tips on Using Names

At the Safeway grocery store I frequent, the check-out personnel are instructed to call customers by name when they hand them their credit or debit card receipts. Nice intention, bad execution. Maybe once out of 100 trips the person has gotten close to saying mine...

He Can’t Possibly Think THIS is Selling

While technology has helped us become smarter in many ways, it also allows people to do dumb things in many ways. For example, salespeople sending out non-targeted messages, or just plain old ill-conceived emails and voice mails. Here is an email I actually received....