A Case Study of a Dumb Cold Call

Hard to believe a salesperson could make so many mistakes in a short period of time, using so few words. But it happened. I’ll explain in detail. I overheard Steve, my marketing guy, who also answers the phone in my office, talking to the caller: "Well,...

One of the First Reviews of Smart Calling

Tim Rohrer writes the Sales Loudmouth Blog, one of the top-rated blogs out there. He just put up a very favorable review of my new book, Smart Calling. Now, I’ve never met, nor spoken with Tim, so he certainly wasn’t doing this as a friendly favor....

“Why Cold Calling is Not Dead”

As you might have noticed, I’ve begun shamelessly plugging my new book, "Smart Calling-Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling."  In short, it shows you, step-by-step, how to acquire intelligence about prospects, and then how...