If You Ever Lack Focus, this Might Help

Self Motivation

Last month I met with a group of other speaking and training professionals, just as we have been meeting several times per year, for 14 years now. It’s a mastermind group (if you’re not familiar with this term, I suggest researching it and perhaps finding or starting one, as it will likely change your life, and income) called Master Speakers International http://www.businessbyphone.com/msi.htm

Usually at our meetings everyone shares ideas about what’s working for them in their business, marketing, sales, operations, technology, latest must-read books, etc. At this meeting, one of our members, Mark LeBlanc, http://www.markleblanc.com/, a small business success expert, conducted the entire program. Although I took pages of notes, just a few key points will put a lot of money in my pocket, and might for you as well.

In my case, I wear so many hats, perform so many roles, and get torn in so many directions I often feel like I’m running in place, and in circles. Mix in my self-diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder, and that’s a recipe for reaching the end of some of the rare days that I’m in my office, where, although there might have been a whirlwind of activity, I just say to myself, "What did you REALLY get done?"

Perhaps you have been there. Or are there.

I won’t go through Mark’s entire system, but will share a key piece, what you can do as a sales person that might help you sharpen your focus (if you need it) and reach new levels.

1. Set your Optimistic Number for the month. This is the sales number you optimistically would like to reach every month. Stretch a little, but make it realistic. You probably have this now as a quota or goal.

2. At the beginning of each day, ask yourself, "What am I doing today to book my Optimistic Number?"

3. At the end of each day, ask, "What did I DO today to book my Optimistic Number?"

4. Build your day around at least three High Value Activities that are focused on reaching your optimistic number. This might seem simplistic to some people, but when we really analyze our activities, not everything we do every day contributes to actually reaching our numbers. You determine what yours are. You might realize that sending emails, Tweeting, going on Facebook, etc. is not directly contributing to reaching your number.

5. Every DAY, update your scorecard that shows your results towards your Optimistic Number.

Fairly simple process. What struck me is that it provides the framework for focus, accountability,and self-motivation.

Adapt this as you see it applying to you. And especially if you are a small business professional, check out Mark’s site and resources http://www.markleblanc.com/


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