An Independent Review Of, and Training On, “Smart Calling”


I had never spoken with the well-known sales trainer and author (and former reality TV show host) Victor Antonio.

During the launch of the new Third Edition of Smart Calling a few weeks ago he reached out to me and said he would like to review it on his “Sales After Dark” livestream.

I thought, sure, I’ll send him a copy… along with a t-shirt.

I had no idea what he was going to say about it, although of course I was fairly confident it would be good, given its track record and amazing reviews so far.

The next I heard, he simply sent me the date and time for the livestream. That’s it. OK.

I was out during the actual airing, but managed to steal a few minutes to watch some segments. Then I watched the entire replay.

I was amazed! Victor must have spend hours going through the book and breaking down the examples. He did as good of a job explaining my process, and the reasons behind it, as I do.

Here’s his review. Which actually is a training session on how to put together a great prospecting opening/voice mail.

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