Opening Statements
I’ve often written about observing and learning from the beach vendors in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. While there a couple of months ago I saw a novel approach that we can learn from and emulate—in a sense. One of the 50 or so guys carrying an open case full of jewelry...
There is a lot that goes into being a successful sales person, but this ONE thing is absolutely required.
Many salespeople, those cold calling, and sales trainers have it all wrong about getting past gatekeepers and screeners. We shouldn’t try to get past them. In the very first installment of my The Art of Sales training videos, you’ll see what to avoid and do to...
“Hello Newman.” “No soup for you!” Double dipping. “There was shrinkage!” Man hands. If you instantly identified those lines as coming from “Seinfeld,” welcome to the huge club. The “show about nothing” was one of the most popular TV series of all time, and still...
Sales Tips
I was going through old files in my storage area doing research for a training program. A few minutes turned into a couple of hours as I got consumed sifting through articles and newsletters I had written, notes on workshops I delivered, random scribbles on slips of...
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