An Example What What NOT to Do on Prospecting Voice Mails
One of my training program past attendees told me he really enjoyed the recordings of calls that I play at training programs and post online and said they are incorporating them into their own training. He sent in this prospecting voice mail that his boss had received...
How to Get Responses to Voice Mail and Email
Did you hear the latest? It’s harder than ever to get people to reply to voice mail and emails. Most messages get ignored and deleted. No kidding, right? Yet, a few DO get responses. In the newest The Art of Sales podcast episode, you’ll hear FIVE proven...
Ask the “Kondo Question” to Declutter Your Follow Up Files
Although I like to think I keep up on what’s going on (somewhat) with pop culture, the whole Kondo thing got miles by me before I caught on. It was just a few weeks ago. A Facebook friend posted pictures of her kitchen and said she “Kondoed” it. I thought she meant...