Free Cold Calling Cheat Sheet. Fill in the Blanks to Get New Business

Cold Calling

Of the many questions I get every week, a common theme with the majority is that people are looking for the “Easy Button.”

“What do I say on voice mail?”

“What’s a good opening?”

“What’s a good email subject line?”

Well, if it was just that easy…

Of course there’s a lot that goes into creating interest and being successful on calls. It requires a process, thought, research, creation, tweaking, and practice.

With that said, I have created a tool that does make developing an interest-creating opening voice mail easier.

And I’m giving it to you, free.

It’s my eight page, fill-in-the-blanks, paint-by-numbers, opening statement and voice mail cheat sheet.

I’ve taken my Smart Calling process, and broken the opening down step-by-step so you just need to fill in the blanks to customize it for your audience and your offer.

To make it even easier, I also give you tons of suggestions… word-for-word examples so that you could have something you can use on a call within minutes of getting it.

It’s not the Easy Button.

But it’s close.

Download it Here

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