Don’t Be THAT Stalker Sales Guy on LinkedIn

Cold Calling, LinkedIn

Ever been to one of those business mixers where there’s always the guy who introduces himself to as many people as he can?

The one who stuffs a business card in everyone’s mitts, saying “I sell ___,” gives a brief pitch, then rushes to the next victim?

Then he calls those who he coaxed a business card from, and says, “Hey, we met at the mixer, let’s get together so I can tell you about my…”

Don’t be that guy on LinkedIn.

Here are characteristics of that guy on LinkedIn (it could be a woman, too, of course. I know, I’ve been pitched by them.)

Generic connection requests. PLEASE do not use the generic LinkedIn connection request message. “Since you are a person I trust…”

It shouts out “Rookie,” and suggests you didn’t take the time to personalize a message.

If you don’t care enough to say why it would be beneficial to connect with someone, why in the world would they want to connect with you?

It’s not that tough to mention that you are in the same group, any other common connection or affiliation, comment on a post or update of theirs, and certainly any possible value you might be able to offer.

Trying to sell without value. A simple LinkedIn connection with someone, or a common group membership, or a common interest or affiliation you see on someone’s profile alone does not mean someone will buy from you.

It would be like saying, “Hey, we both went to the University of Texas, along with several million other people. So let me tell you about my services…”

These connections and affiliations all can be the basis for easing into your Possible Value Proposition.

In fact, they are great ways to separate yourself from everyone else who wants to earn some of your prospect’s valuable time. But you still need to have possible value.

Salespeople who use bad techniques that get them ignored, screened out, and quickly dumped off a call will still be that same person with the same results using LinkedIn.

Therefore you need to combine the power of a finely-tuned profile, correct connection, messaging, and networking strategy and techniques, with a solid prospecting and sales process and techniques.
We address this and more in the free webinar Crystal Thies, The LinkedIn Ninja, and I are doing. Seven LinkedIn Mistakes that Kill Sales, and What to Do Instead, And What to SAY to Get Through, Get In, and SELL!

Register Here Free

Sales pro, Bill Farnan, who attended the program said,

”This was the best utilized 90 minutes of 2014.. Fantastic.Thank you.”

Also, in this program I share a simple, fill-in-the-blanks messaging template that you can use to grab interest with your own InMails, emails, voice mails, and opening statements.

There is an offer at the end of the program, but only after we deliver valuable content. If you want to take what you learn in the webinar to the next level, you’ll have the opportunity to do so, along with some exciting incentives.

I also invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn. But please don’t use the generic connection, OK?

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