NOW Is the Best Time to Sell

in Prospecting, Self Motivation

Are you making calls the next couple of weeks?

Particularly the time between Christmas and New Years?
Traditionally, lots of people write off this  time, either officially taking days off, or taking the days off unofficially, while still
showing up at the office and screwing off.
However, business is still taking place.
Granted, some people may not be in. But how is that any different than calling when they ARE in and getting voice mail?
But, other buyers are working.
And maybe their gatekeepers are out.
Perhaps it’s more relaxed in their office and they are more apt to pick up the phone…in a better mood, since everyone isn’t banging their  door down, wanting something.
Another reason to call: there are buyers with money to spend before the end of the year. Maybe it’s money left in the budget. Perhaps they need to spend for tax purposes. If presented an intriguing offer during this time they just
might be more apt to making a buying decision.
I personally buy more for business in late December than during any other month because I need to reduce my tax burden. So I load up on things I’ll need the next year
You might not be hitting it hard this week because maybe, just perhaps, you won’t reach people.
But here’s all that you know for sure during this time:  If you’re NOT placing calls, you have NO chance of reaching these people and selling to them.
I’ve never really understood not calling during the week between Christmas and New Year’s. What do these people think? That when they get back to the office on January 2nd or 5th and start hitting the phones that they’ll be the only ones with that idea?
No! EVERYONE starts calling the first day back in the office. And that’s the day the decision makers are swamped with their own work!
Over the years I have heard many cases of reps catching up with that otherwise-hard-to-reach decision maker and starting a business relationship during this so called "dead week."
It’s not too late. Hit the phones hard the next couple of weeks. And, send me your success stories. I’d love to hear them and share them next year.

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Rita Allen December 18, 2009 at 11:05 am

Useful tip and one that, employed successfully, can increase your value as a service provider. Those who are indeed taking calls and reading email appreciate others who have chosen to be accessible during this time period. And, it is a good time to present your own company or organizations new services, products and initiatives for the coming year.


Patty Keith December 23, 2009 at 4:47 pm

To your point ! I had this happen today. My timing was perfect ! Given the Holiday, My prospects business was slower and she was more receiving to getting a Partner Presentation, my company has prepared. She mentioned this was the perfect time , to : Take the time to educate her sales people to gear up for the upcoming year with my company’s product ! My company produced Custom Branded CD’s. I think this call may turn into a Huge Success Story and I wanted to mention this. I enjoy following all your tips and thankks for all your help.

Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year to all !


Dale December 18, 2009 at 8:32 pm

GREAT post – I totally agree, even though I find I am leaving a TON of VM’s, I do notice that those who answer are more willing to chit chat than brush me off! I am trying to pace set in my office, but this week I probably made 100x more calls than anyone else. Hopefully they will be in the spirit for 3 days next week!


DON ASHLEY December 19, 2009 at 10:35 am

Great perspective about the holidays, not just year end but all other long weekends.

My attitude has changed completely about this being a futile period to call people.

Actually, I am one of those people who do make year end decisions in late December and welcome other business interaction during the time apart from the 8-5, M-F mentality. I enjoy holiday spirit, but since we work 24/7, or in other words, by the whim, we do encounter other creative people in the industry in the ‘off’ hours.



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