A Great Objection Technique

Objections, Uncategorized

We had a member in the Smart Calling Community group ask about what others put in their “objections answer book.”

I weighed in with how I’m not a fan of ”objection books” or ”objection rebuttals,” since a direct response is not addressing the reason they said what they did; it is replying to the symptom of a problem that we don’t know yet.

As I’ve covered many times, when we do get a real objection, we need to get someone talking so we can learn the real problem, not just try to address a symptom.

The first step in that process is to soften them a bit so you disarm them, let them know you aren’t there to argue, and get them talking.

For example,

“Let’s talk about that.”

“Not a problem.”

“I’ve heard that before.”

And here is one that as I was initially writing it, I thought about it more and added to it a bit.

“That’s what every one of my existing clients said before they asked themselves the question, ‘How do I know that I’m getting ____?'”

There is a lot going on with this one that makes it effective.

First, when you say, “That’s what every one of my existing clients said…” you are using the same psychology behind the “Feel-Felt-Found” technique.

While that FFF technique in its purest form is a bit canned and overtaught, the reasoning behind it is sound.

You are letting people know that their belief is reasonable, but when others in the same situation got additional information they realized there was another way to look at it.

That notion continues with,

“…before they asked themselves the question, ‘How do I know that I’m getting ____?’”

This is brilliant because you are not directly asking them, “How do you know you are getting the best price?” (You’d fill in the blank of course with whatever the main possible value is that you deliver, ie. best return on investment, lowest risk, most production… etc.)

Granted, that is a great question, and it has greater impact when it is put in the context of someone similar to them asking the question. Then it is easier for them to think about it, since they are not being put on the spot.

Now you have them in a frame of mind much more conducive to opening up, and answering your next questions, which should be designed to get them talking about the real reason behind what they just said.

Think about how you could fill in the blank with something appropriate for the value you deliver, and be prepared to use it the next time you get a common objection.



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