Sales Pros at the Mobile Mini National Sales Meeting

Photos of Training Clients

Last week in Las Vegas I presented a workshop to four groups at the Mobile Mini national sales meeting. You’ve certainly seen the Mobile Mini products…they are metal storage containers and trailer-like offices, usually at construction job sites, but there are other uses.

What is impressive about Mobile Mini is that although their product is simple, their sales process and monitoring and measurement system is state-of-the-art. They have a very structured, multi-part sales process for both incoming and outgoing calls. And every phone call in each branch nationwide is recorded, and many are graded and evaluated both by in-house managers, and a third-party that provides the technology to record and archive the calls (I’ll talk more about that in a future post). And, managers are also graded on how THEY coach their reps’s calls. 

This is a company that really GETS IT! It was a pleasure to work with them. Here are group shots from the four sessions. 





















































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