Screw the Recession: How to Keep Your Best Customers Loyal and Buying More


For the Platinum members of my Telesales Success Inner Circle we provide one-hour audio seminars every other month. Recently we did one with sales expert Jim Meisenheimer, titled “Screw the Recession: 17 Ways to Get Sales Up When the Economy is Down.”

Here is an excerpt of just one of the excellent points from that program.

 (In honor of Tax Day, April 15, I am making this audio seminar on CD available to you at an economic-stimulus price: NOT the regular $59, but $30 OFF, just $29. This includes a download of the written transcript. If you want just the digital file of the audio and not the CD, take $30 off the $49 price, just $19! For more info and to order, AND to hear an audio excerpt from that program, go to

How to Keep Your Best Customers Loyal and Buying More

By Jim Meisenheimer
When I do my sales training programs I always ask my participants,

“How many of you are doing quarterly business reviews with your best customers?”

I get lots of blank stares. For the Platinum members of my Telesales Success Inner Circle we provide one-hour audio seminars every other month. Recently we did one with sales expert Jim Meisenheimer, titled “Screw the Recession: 17 Ways to Get Sales Up When the Economy is Down.”

It’s probably less than five percent of all the people I’ve ever worked with. So that means there’s a great deal of opportunity out there to do something thathelps you solidify your relationship with your best customers, and build stronger relationships with newer ones.

As we go through these challenging economic and turbulent times you want to do things for your customers that nobody else is doing for them. And also, you want to get a heads up as early as you can if there’s any kind of dissatisfaction from your customers. One of the best ways to do this is to establish a schedule for quarterly
business reviews. Here’s how.

“What are the biggest challenges you face in growing your business?”

On a quarterly basis call 10 or 15 of your biggest customers, and ask questions like,

“What are your priorities for the rest of 2009?”

“What do you like most about working with our company?”

“What, if anything, would you change about working with our company?”"What qualities are you looking for in your new suppliers?”

“Describe any changes to your decision-making process for your current suppliers.”

This is one of my favorites: “What would it take to win your supplier of the year award?”

Now even if they don’t have suchan award they probably have an opinion and wouldn’t you benefit from knowing how they would respond to that question?

And then, of course, “What new projects related to our product line are on the drawing board?” Wouldn’t you like to be the first to hear about that?

These questions will get your biggest customers talking and that says a lot about the relationship. It says that you care enough to ask the tough questions and of course listen to the answers and any problems that come up so you can deal with them.

Again, keep in mind that very few salespeople do this with their customers, so your customers likely won’t be used to it. They will appreciate you, and continue buying from you.

(See more of Jim’s great advice and sign up for his email tips at

In honor of Tax Day, April 15, I am making this audio seminar on CD, Screw the Recession: 17 Ways to Get Sales Up When the Economy is Down, available to you at an economic-stimulus price: NOT the regular $59, but $30 OFF, just $29. This includes a download of the written transcript. If you want just the digital file of the audio and not the CD, take $30 off the $49 price, just $19! For more info and to order go to

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