Training to Help Sell Babies

Photos of Training Clients, Uncategorized

During the past 27+ years I’ve worked with companies selling lots of products and services, some very conventional such as software, office supplies, subscriptions of all types, and more. And then there are those products and services that you might not typically think about as being your typical sold-by-phone items: breast pumps, catheters, condoms, adult toys, and now, babies.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to work with the great crew at RealityWorks. They sell babies. No, it wasn’t the group you might have heard about that got busted in Haiti. Not real babies. These are the computerized infant simulators used most commonly in life-skills classes in high schools to show students what having to care for a baby is actually like, including the feeding, diapering, rocking, and burping.

Here’s the group photo of the team and myself. It has been 22 years since I’ve held my own babies, so I elected not to hold one in the photo since I’m sure the software would have gone haywire on me.









Child Category