Are You Gutsy, or Wimpy

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I get a fair number of request from people who want me to promote or endorse their product or book. Most I turn down. Every once and a while I see something I’m comfortable putting my name and reputation behind.
Today is one of those times. Drew Laughlin contacted me a few months ago asking if I would review his book manuscript and give him a testimonial. As I usually do, I ignored the first request (to test persistence.)
He continued on until I agreed to take a look at the book. I’m glad I did.

"Expect Success-How to Accomplish Anything in Life Using Your Inner Circle of Success" is a short read, packed with the fundamentals of what it takes to be successful in sales, and in life. It’s not rocket science. It’s simply practicing these basic ideas.

Having Guts
By Drew Laughlin

Being able to get out of your comfort zone and do something you really don’t want to do is called "having guts."  Knowing what you should do and not doing it because you’re afraid of leaving your comfort zone is called "being a wimp."


If you take a look at the successful people around you, you’ll notice how often they are willing to go outside their comfort zones to achieve something they want. They understand that having guts is essential to being successful. It doesn’t matter to them if they’re comfortable or not. They just do what they have to do to go where they want to go.

Do what Others Won’t Do
You’ve got to have the guts to do something that others won’t do. If you can consistently do the things that your competitors don’t do – or more likely, won’t do – you will be in the top three percent of your field.

Remember, your competition sits in their comfort zones, never to leave. This presents huge opportunities for you.

For a lot of people, asking a prospect about budgets or the decision making process is very difficult. It takes guts to ask those questions. 

Quick Tip
Stretch beyond your comfort zone and reach heights you’ve only dreamed about.

Asking tough questions is essential, though. Go beyond what’s comfortable for you and ask, "Do you have a budget for this type of project?" Follow up with "Do you mind sharing it with me in round numbers?" People are not used to hearing quality questions like that. It leaves them with no option but to answer the questions. Why? Because they don’t want to leave their comfort zones by telling you they can’t answer your questions.

Let’s take it one step further and talk about price, a pretty common obstacle that salespeople face. If you have the guts to stick to your price when someone gives you a little push back, you are going to be more successful and you’re going to make more money. When we understand the value of what we offer, we won’t automatically reduce price just because a customer raises an objection.

This principle can apply to any employee in any role.  Just because someone pushes back on an idea or suggestion does not mean you have to cave in. Sure, you don’t want to be a jerk about how you respond and butt heads with another person unnecessarily. However, having the guts to stand up for yourself and what you believe is the right thing to do. When you do that tactfully, you’ll gain tremendous respect.

Finally, it also takes guts to close the sale. If you can ask for the sale consistently, when the time is right, you’re going to dramatically boost your sales income. Have guts to do the things that you might be a little scared of right now – things outside your comfort zone – and success is sure to follow.

Now Take Action
How can you go outside of your comfort zone today? Is it by asking questions in a meeting, confronting someone who’s done you wrong, or asking someone for help?  Whatever it is, chose one and do it now. Have guts!

(Drew is the author of the new book, "Expect Success: How  to Accomplish Anything in Life Using Your Inner Circle of  Success. When you invest in his book today you will receive  over $1,000 in free bonuses. Click here for more info and to order


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