How to Get Past Gatekeepers and Screeners: Don’t

How to Get Past Gatekeepers and Screeners: Don’t

Lots of conventional sales material says to “get past” the gatekeeper, or is about “going through” the screener. And that is bad information, which actually salespeople to get shut down and turned away. In this episode of “The Art of...

Unconventional Ways of Getting Through

Having been in my business for over 26 years now, and telesales a lot longer (I did start when I was 14–really) I have seen just about every conventional and offbeat way there is to get to buyers, ranging from the perfectly ethical to the downright sleazy. Here...

Are You Gutsy, or Wimpy

I get a fair number of request from people who want me to promote or endorse their product or book. Most I turn down. Every once and a while I see something I’m comfortable putting my name and reputation behind.   Today is one of those times. Drew Laughlin...