Procrastination Will Kill Sales

Ever have the feeling you’re expending more energy and time avoiding a task instead of actually diving in and doing it? I get a lot done, but I am a master of putting things off. I have an email sitting in my inbox about an offer that I’m keep telling myself I will...

What Technology Can Never Replace

Have you seen the TV commercial with the shy boy who has a fear of public speaking? He uses technology, the Google Nexus 7, to plan and deliver a successful speech. And then there’s a cute and heartwarming surprise at the end. The commercial’s message is...

Free Ebook: The National Sales Meeting Guide

If you are involved in the planning, running, and follow-up of a national sales meeting or sales kickoff meeting, you will get valuable best practices to follow, and mistakes to avoid in this free ebook, The National Sales Meeting Guide- How to Plan, Run, and Profit...

7 Inside Sales Tips Based on Research

Inside sales tips are a dime a dozen these days. Everybody’s a guru, it seems. Today’s tips are more practical than most because they are not based on anyone’s whims or intuition. They are based on rock-solid research and real sales data. When you’re calling a lead,...