A New Sales Book You Need to Own: SNAP Selling

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I’m often asked what has changed the most about sales in the past 5-10-20 years. Well, of course technology has made many things in our lives easier, but also has made us busier, which does not necessarily mean more productive.

One of the toughest challenges you face right now is dealing with crazy-busy prospects. It’s tougher to get them on the phone or respond to your emails. They’re always getting distracted.

Here’s the deal. When people have too much to do and impossible deadlines, it changes how they make decisions. And, it changes their expectations of you too.

There’s help. My good friend, Jill Konrath, author of the classic Selling to Big Companies, just released her new book, SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today’s Frazzled Customers.

I highly recommend it. The "Buyer’s Matrix" alone is worth many times the price of the book. It’s already soared to the #1 Amazon Sales book. It’s that good. Plus, the reviews are all 5 stars.

Jill knows how to capture and keep the attention of hard-to-reach prospects. And, she shows you how to help people make decisions a whole lot faster too.

To learn more about SNAP Selling & to download two chapters, just click here: http://www.SnapSelling.com.

SNAP Selling is a great complement to Smart Calling, as it goes into even more detail about getting inside the mind of your prospect/customer.  I strongly suggest you add it to your sales library.

You’ll also be able to download some cool new sales tools from Jill, no strings attached. Again, click on www.SnapSelling.com right away.

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