Use These Two Questions to Close Perfectly

Use These Two Questions to Close Perfectly

You’ve probably experienced the amateur salesperson or the cheesy, hard sell, shady huckster spring the “closing technique” on you, right? Think of all the negative emotions that flooded over you when you heard it. Including thinking, “I gotta...

Close More Sales WITHOUT Goofy Closing Techniques

The words “close,” “closer,” and “closing” are synonymous with sales. However, many people have it all wrong when it comes to closing, and that results in NOT getting the sales.  Often the focus is on closing...
The $700 Breakfast

The $700 Breakfast

A couple of weeks ago, on the beautiful Amalfi coast in Italy, in Positano, we had breakfast one morning at a small open-air restaurant perched high atop the hill, looking down on the postcard-like beach and bay. As we walked out Pam said, “Let’s take a...
When to Assume the Sale, and Not Look Like an A–

When to Assume the Sale, and Not Look Like an A–

A reader emailed me with a question, looking for information on “assuming the sale.” I’ll share the answer with you as well. You need to be careful here. The old school, tactical methods of selling say that you should “assume the sale as soon as the prospect...

How to Close More Sales (without using closing techniques)

How to close more sales is the goal for most salespeople. However, they often focus on closing “techniques” which is NOT the key to actually closing more sales. In this video Art Sobczak shows what you should do to actually close more sales. Also, in his free ebook of...

Relationship–and Sales Advice

While pouring myself a cup of coffee in the break room of a company where I was doing some onsite training, I couldn’t help but overhear two women in a spirited conversation. “Yeah, he just couldn’t make a commitment.” “Oh, I hate those...