“Shameless” Sales Tactics You Need to Avoid

“Shameless” Sales Tactics You Need to Avoid

I had thought that today we were beyond much of the sleazy, deceptive tactics often associated with sales. But, sadly, I am wrong, as evidenced by an online article, “No Successful Salesperson Is Too Proud to Use Any of These 12 Shameless Tactics,”by Gene Marks, a...

Donald Trump’s Sales and Success Lessons

Donald Trump. Just the name itself sets off a variety of polarizing emotions and opinions. Regardless of how you feel about him politically or personally–I am keeping my opinion on that completely out of this–there is no denying that he has been a...

What Technology Can Never Replace

Have you seen the TV commercial with the shy boy who has a fear of public speaking? He uses technology, the Google Nexus 7, to plan and deliver a successful speech. And then there’s a cute and heartwarming surprise at the end. The commercial’s message is...