Do You THINK You Will Win?

Self Motivation

I’m a huge sports fan, sports nut actually.

Our local NCAA hockey team, nationally-ranked University of Nebraska-Omaha is preparing for its second-round of playoff games this week, after sweeping Bowling Green this past weekend, and ending the season on a roll, beating the number one team in the country, and several other highly-ranked teams. 

UNO started the season last October with high expectations, with a new coach, Dean Blais,  who is considered the rock star of college coaching..

When the season started I read where the players were pretty jazzed too. The captain of the team said that they were going out expecting to win every game. They did not win every one, of course, but did very well.

I remember when I first read that though, back in October. My reaction was, "Huh?" Maybe that was the problem in the past years. Shouldn’t you always expect to win every game?

Don’t you think Shaun White KNEW he was going to nail that magical last run in the Winter Olympics?

Realistically, though, not everyone has that attitude. I can’t understand it though. Why WOULD YOU allow yourself to play the game–or make a sales call–unless you expected to succeed?

Sure, we all know that simply saying, "I’m going to win," or, "I’m going to close this sale," doesn’t make it magically happen.

What is far more certain, though, is the fate of the person who says, "We can’t win," "I can’t get that business," or, "They’ll never buy from me."

So here’s my brief, but practical and instantly useable sales tip:

+++++++++ KEY POINT ++++++++++++++++++++++
Set your Primary Objective as high as you realistically can on each call. Why couldn’t you go further than you ever have on your next call?

Of course, if you sell something very technical, that requires a large investment, or typically has a long sales process, a sale on one call probably isn’t a reasonable expectation. Be reasonable, but stretch your personal expectations to, and beyond, what you thought your previous limits were.

Replace saying, "I’m not sure if I can …", and instead say, "Why couldn’t I …?"

I’m not a math genius, but experience tells me that the higher you aim, sales-wise, the larger the ultimate results over time.

Canadian author, Frederick Philip Grove, said, "If the desire to get somewhere is strong enough in a person, his whole being, conscious and unconscious, is always at work, looking for and devising means to get to the goal."

Want an Attitude Jolt?
If so, please check out "Getting and Keeping A Successful Telesales Attitude," an audio seminar you can download right now, featuring Dr. Alan Zimmerman. Listen to a an actual excerpt of the program right now, and take advantage of the the $25 Attitide Stimulus Payment I’m giving you:

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