Smart Calling Online Now Open! Go Sample it for FREE

Resources I Recommend

After about a year in development, we’re officially introducing Smart Calling Online, which is the largest collection of inside sales, telesales, and prospecting training resources available anywhere. All of the best material I’ve created over the past 5-10 years in one place…

-over 500 sales lessons in text form,

-60 videos,

-over 20 hours of audio seminars and brief tips,

-the past two YEARS of my Telephone Prospecting and Selling Report newsletter,

-a discussion community I will participate in,

-AND, at the Inner Circle Training and Coaching Level, personal access to me.

And I’ll be creating and adding new content regularly… including the audio course version of Smart Calling, bi-weekly brief audio tips, more one-hour audio seminars, and new issues of the eight-page newsletter each month.

Here’s what’s in it for you right now: We’ve set up the site to allow you to go into it, and pick your own sales tip this week. Simply go to, and you will be able to view one piece of members-only content. Pick a video, audio tip, audio seminar, whatever you’d like. (You might want to watch to video first to get a feel for what is available.)

Do be sure that what you pick is what you’d like, since it will only allow you to make one choice.

But of course, I’m doing this with hopes that you will like what you see and then become a member so you can access everything, as much as you want. There are two options, both with a three-day trial for a nominal amount, so you’re really risking nothing.

Right now, please go to and access some great material that can help you close that next sale!

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