How to Listen Like a Homicide Detective

How to Listen Like a Homicide Detective

One of the many awesome things about being in sales is that sales actually IS real life. What we do on the phone and in person in prospecting, selling, and working with customers is the same thing we do when interacting with people in all areas of life. That’s...
How to Beat a Sales Slump

How to Beat a Sales Slump

We’ve all been there. We hit a wall. A streak of no’s, delays, deals that fall through, calls and emails ignored. Then the self-doubt kicks in. It might even affect your ability to execute that next call. Or it might cause you to avoid it. These thoughts can be...

If it Hurts, Do Something Different

If you’d punch yourself in the head, it would hurt. And doing it repeatedly would cause damage.Reasonable people would quit doing it.Hard to imagine why anyone would do it at all. Yet, salespeople do it every day. Repeatedly. And it hurts, both psychologically...

Just Introducing Yourself is NOT Adding Value

Have you ever attended a business networking mixer? You know, the happy hour events where people walk around introducing themselves, hoping to make contacts that will result in referrals or business. Oh I know they are useful for salespeople in certain types of...