THIS Determines if It Is a Great Day

I was in a slow moving security line at the airport (that’s redundant, isn’t it?) and couldn’t help but overhearing the conversation between two businesswomen in front of me. “I’ve had THE worst day,” said one. “First, room...

Beware of the Sales Advice You Read Online

I imagine there are some new sales reps out there who might get their information from just one source, take it as gospel, and as a result get stuck in the molasses of mediocrity. They might be attempting unsound methods, while avoiding others they have been warned do...

Mistakes, Tips on Using Names

At the Safeway grocery store I frequent, the check-out personnel are instructed to call customers by name when they hand them their credit or debit card receipts. Nice intention, bad execution. Maybe once out of 100 trips the person has gotten close to saying mine...

Avoid These Words That Kill Sales

From the mailbag: “Art, an email I received from a vendor, in response to a question we asked about a policy issue, started out with, ‘You’re not going to like this, but …’ “I continued reading, now feeling bitter. However, what was...