How to “Sabanize” Your Sales

    Alabama’s head coach, Nick Saban, has wonthree of the past seven national championships (one was with LSU), which is pretty remarkable. It’s hard enough to win ONE, or even have a chance to play for the title. College football is now in full...

Ask Buyers How They Want to Be Sold To

While waiting out a flight delay at an airport bar, I struck up a conversation with a fellow stranded road warrior. The topic shifted to our work, and he asked me what I do. I answered by asking him, “Do you ever get any sales calls at your office? (He’s a...

Avoid Rejection By Changing Your Reaction

As I tell every group of sales reps I work with, most of what we accomplish in sales is attributable to our attitude. Sure, we need to be skilled in the mechanics–the what-to-say part–but that doesn’t matter if we feel like dirt. Therefore,...