NOW Is the Best Time to Sell

Are you making calls the next couple of weeks? Particularly the time between Christmas and New Years?   Traditionally, lots of people write off this  time, either officially taking days off, or taking the days off unofficially, while still...

Here’s How You Will Sell More Than Ever in 2009

Do you know anyone who is constantly whining, complaining, and making excuses for their performance? Stay clear of them, because they will try to suck you into their pity parties. Oh sure, there’s no denying that the current economic environment could be better....

End With a Positive

With all of the negativity going on around us, it is especially important for those of us in sales to not contribute to it. As I’ve mentioned before, and will continue to do, you control your attitude and what you will DO next. Therefore, we need to make it a...

You Can Be Like Michael Phelps–In Sales

I am constantly amazed by, and have tremendous respect for people who excel at things I could not, or would not want to do. (Which is really, most things, now that I think about it. Especially anything involving tools.) Architects who design massive structures. The...