Comments On the Voicemail and What He Should Have Done

LinkedIn, Voice Mail

Yesterday I shared with you a voice mail received by Crystal Thies, The LinkedIn Ninja. You can hear it and read the comments here.

Most of the comments we received there were spot on regarding the problem with this voice message:

Rich said, “Obviously he has never taken the time to look at her profile or find out more about her. No reason to contact him, nothing in it for her or how he can help her. Then telling the LinkedIn Ninja she has a ‘stagnant’ connection, indicates he will never get a return call.”

“Funny but sad,” Ron wrote. “Would anyone really take time from their day to reach out to someone based solely on being connected on Linkedin? Doubtful. His only purpose was to move the Linkedin connection ‘forward’? What does that even mean?”

Audrey commented, “… this was basically a cold call with no trust or credibility developed. We don’t know who he is or why he is really calling, and there is no interest piqued that might inspire one to actually connect. If he had mentioned value she had added to him and then asked to reconnect to learn more about that topic from her, or had found a way to offer her some value, then that could have gone better. Also, if he knows someone she actually knows, he could have mentioned that connection to increase trust”

Sadly, this is an example of what is becoming too common: people misusing an excellent tool.

And consequently, causing some people to treat LinkedIn messages and connections like other typical value-less pitches. Kind of like what happened with fax and email over time.

What that means for skilled professionals who care about communicating value, and setting ourselves apart from the crowd, is that we need to be even more vigilant about doing the right things on LinkedIn and with all of our sales messaging to get the results we want.

There are so many ways we can use this Swiss-Army-knife-of-sales, most of which we cover in our LinkedIn for Sales Success training course. Right now, as promised, I’ll address the messaging and process this guy could have used in this situation.

To review, he does not now have a relationship with Crystal, nor is she familiar with him. They are simply connected on LinkedIn.

As several of the commenters pointed out, in order to have any chance of engaging her in any way, including speaking with her, he must have a Possible Value Proposition… something that might pique her curiosity enough to want to learn more.

Even though he says he is not trying to sell her anything—which itself is a mistake I suggest you avoid saying– he most likely does have some self-interested motive for wanting to speak with Crystal.

That is OK. We all must sell in order to eat, right?

However, whatever that motive is should not be the initial focus, and only will be possible later, as a result of piquing her interest, maybe providing her with something now, and ultimately engaging in a conversation.

Again, to even get to that point we need to provide or hint at that possible value first.

Lots of options for doing that. Examples in a sec.

First, in the voice message, he needs to remind her of why they originally connected, or point out a commonality.

“…we originally connected on LinkedIn after I saw your great article and mentioned how I implemented some of your ideas…”

“… our connection is through a mutual colleague, Pat Seller at TM Financial, who suggested I follow you…”

“…we’re both members of the Sales Professionals group on LinkedIn and I always follow your comments…”

Then the possible value should follow. These could include,

An opportunity. “I am a member of an association that could use your services, either as a speaker or perhaps take advantage of your course… and I’d be happy to make an introduction.”

A resource. “I know you have a background and focus in the financial field, and we just released a unique report that might be of value to your followers in that niche…”

A possible result. “I know you have your new training course and are doing educational webinars as part of your marketing. We’ve worked with other trainers and consultants in doubling their enrollments and conversions using a unique method that I’d like to share with you if you have interest.”

When you analyze it, this is the same process for leaving any voice mail with a prospect. LinkedIn just makes it easier to gather intelligence and have a reason for engaging.

Follow these ideas and you’ll get through and sell more often.

(If you want to avoid errors like this one, and master LinkedIn, and take your prospecting to the next level, check out LinkedIn for Sales Success)


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