Telesales College Attendee Group Photo
Here are the attendees at the Dallas Telesales College last week. A great group that left pumped up to hit the ground running for a phenomenal 2009!
Read MoreHere are the attendees at the Dallas Telesales College last week. A great group that left pumped up to hit the ground running for a phenomenal 2009!
Read MoreLast month I shared a post, Little Things Mean Everything, where I shared the story of my paper carrier and the personal notes she left me that made a huge impact. I always have advocated the use of cards and handwritten notes to stay in contact with, and thank your...
Read MoreDo you know anyone who is constantly whining, complaining, and making excuses for their performance? Stay clear of them, because they will try to suck you into their pity parties. Oh sure, there’s no denying that the current economic environment could be better....
Read MoreIn the new Telesales TV training video we just released for the Platinum members of my Telesales Success Inner Circle, we devoted the entire program to price…selling at full price, minimizing price resistance, and dealing with price objections. In the video I...
Read MoreThere’s lots of sales information floating around. Some of it very good, some mediocre, and other advice causes me to say, “Has the person saying this ever made a call in his life?” In the inside sales, telesales, and prospecting field there are a...
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