11 Quick Prospecting Tips for Greater Results

11 Quick Prospecting Tips for Greater Results

At a national sales meeting I did on Smart Calling prospecting for outside sales reps, Gary Farnam gave me a list of his takeaways from the session, along with some of the things he always does on his calls. Good stuff 1. After a face-to-face sales call, while...

Dumb Prospecting Examples

I really shouldn’t be amazed, but I still am. After over 32 years in business, just when I think I’ve seen just about every bad example of prospecting and sales there is—I’m proven wrong. I have a couple of examples of dumb prospecting I personally received over the...

My Analysis of the Horrible Cold Call Voice Mail

Last week I shared with you a recording of a cold call voice mail message that I have received 10 times over the past several months. Wait, check that, I received it again yesterday. No kidding. Same message. If you didn’t hear it yet, listen here, and see the...

7 Inside Sales Tips Based on Research

Inside sales tips are a dime a dozen these days. Everybody’s a guru, it seems. Today’s tips are more practical than most because they are not based on anyone’s whims or intuition. They are based on rock-solid research and real sales data. When you’re calling a lead,...