Humor and Silly Stuff, Prospecting
First, let me say that the scum who run the bogus car warranty operation that you might have received a recorded sales message for probably deserve to be hung up by their, um privates. But here’s a guy that actually got so fed up he went a little wacko and now,...
Humor and Silly Stuff, Uncategorized
Like many others, I am both amused and annoyed by people who hold full-volume conversations on their cell phone in public, oblivious to everyone around them. Here’s an amusing piece in Wired .
Call Recordings, Humor and Silly Stuff, Uncategorized
I was rushing around last Friday trying to get out of the office so I could get to the airport. (Went to the Indy 500 by the way, awesome experience.) A call came in and the guy introduced himself to Steve here as “Bob with an IT company.” OK, perhaps it...
Humor and Silly Stuff, Voice Mail
I laughed out loud when a reader sent this to me, and I still do each time I listen, and watch the animation that some creative person added. This customer is obviously upset, but has a surprise ending. (Warning: if you are offended by profanity, DO NOT...
Humor and Silly Stuff, Voice Mail
Here’s a site I found that asks viewers to upload their funny or weird voicemail messages. There are not a lot of messages there, but I heard a few amusing ones. This one was from a guy calling into his previous company looking for a letter of recommendation....