Sales Recommendations (presentations)
In the great book, “Influencer-The Power to Change Anything,” the authors (there are five) share information that can have tremendous effects on our influencing success using the phone in sales and prospecting. To illustrate the main point, let’s look at an...
Resources I Recommend, Uncategorized
If you are responsible for a sales kickoff meeting, you will get valuable best practices to follow, and mistakes to avoid in this free ebook, The National Sales Meeting Guide- How to Plan, Run, and Profit from Your Best Sales Kickoff Meeting Ever By Art Sobczak, with...
Prospecting, Random Rants
A few weeks ago I wrote about how there is lots of sales BS floating around that is not grounded in reality. (See that here) Again, today I see an anti-cold calling piece. It pokes fun at someone who is successful at prospecting and had shared his own best...