Sales Horror Stories

Thanks to Josh Margolis who sent along this link to another blog, where the writer, Susan Corcoran, shares her horrific experiences (along with one that is almost unbelieveable, and hilarious) with some sales people.  Check it out...

What’s Happened to Customer Service?

Here’s something that annoys me to no end: “service” personnel who act as if you have inconvenienced them by trying to give them your money. For example, at a grocery store today, I placed a couple of items near the check-out scanner. The clerk, around 17-years old...

How to Get New Business in Challenging Times

Whoa, wait, don’t jump. Come in off that ledge. Sure, things may not be the rosiest on Wall Street and with some financial companies, but guess what? Business is still moving forward. If you listen to the typical purveyors of negative thoughts, one might think...

The Three-Step Voice Mail Strategy

One of the top challenges for most salespeople, if not THE biggest pain, is getting to decision makers, and more specifically, dealing with voice mail. There are all kinds of systems, processes, techniques and tips on how to most effectively manage voice mail....

The Worst Telephone Sales Call I’ve Ever Received

I love getting sales calls. The good ones I learn from. The bad ones, well, they become good material for my seminars, articles, and other training. And I record most of them. From time to time, I will post recordings of calls here. Today I’m starting with the worst...