How to Bring Value Every Time On Your Calls

How to Bring Value Every Time On Your Calls

Salespeople complain they can’t get through, no one returns calls or emails, they get screened out… all true–for the salespeople who don’t have anything compelling to say. People are still buying. If you want to get more people interested, YOU...

Sales and Prospecting is NOT a Numbers Game

Interesting how the more things change, the more they stay the same. With all the technology we have today to make our calls smarter, focused, relevant, and valuable to prospects, there still is emphasis in many corners on quantity. The “numbers game”...

Don’t Be THAT Stalker Sales Guy on LinkedIn

Ever been to one of those business mixers where there’s always the guy who introduces himself to as many people as he can? The one who stuffs a business card in everyone’s mitts, saying “I sell ___,” gives a brief pitch, then rushes to the next victim? Then he calls...