My Marketing Guy Screwed Up Big Time

My marketing guy screwed up big time. I simply told him to fix it. I didn’t give him any guidelines, so I really can’t get mad at what he did here. But my customers definitely will like it. See the complete details from Steve, along with a photo of the...

Are You Gutsy, or Wimpy

I get a fair number of request from people who want me to promote or endorse their product or book. Most I turn down. Every once and a while I see something I’m comfortable putting my name and reputation behind.   Today is one of those times. Drew Laughlin...

Our Biggest Promotion of the Year Now Running!

Our every-so-often, Scratch, Dent, and, this year, Sales-Stimulus promotion is now on, ready for you to take advantage and grab some great sales and income-producing resources at a dramatic savings. Very simply, we have...

My Birthday Present to You

For my 49th birthday today, I am running a one-day only, crazy, 49% promotion for ALL of the training resources we sell here at Business By Phone. CD’s, DVD’s, books, complete learning resources, and those already with special package pricing. Check out my...